Favorite Scripture

Favorite Scripture
Alma 42:31 And now, O my son, ye are called of God to preach the word unto this people. And now, my son, go thy way, declare the word with truth and soberness, that thou mayest bring souls unto repentance, that the great plan of mercy may have claim upon them. And may God grant unto you even according to my words. Amen.

~Returning with Honor~ Elder Wood is coming home!


Africa's future 'is with the children'


Barbed wire....again!

Preparation Day!

Preparation Day!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Mom, I still can't believe i'll see you in two days it seems surreal to me too. It's all gone way too fast. Last night I taught likely my last formal lesson as a missionary to a family that I have learned to love so much. I tried to soak it all in but, as usual and, as is always the case, the time just went by way to fast and before I knew it I was saying goodbye. This woman (I'll show you here picture and name on Wednesday) said to tell you all hello and that they love you, even though they haven't met you they love your children. In a way I cannot describe I felt like I was leaving my family all over again. You know how at the airport we all just keep standing around trying to prolong the time of my saying goodbye, yeah that's what happened. We kept talking and shaking hands goodbye but didn't feel like leaving, finally we had to just say goodbye and go, and not look back. I know that great things lie in store for me at home, and so many people to bless and inspire and lift are waiting. My mission is nearly over but it has been life changing to say the least, it is a bitter sweet feeling. I know that you are waiting for your big bear hug and you will get it, along with however many other ones you want! The plans for that day sound great to me. I am just happy to be with my wonderful family! Well mom I cannot wait to baptize my little sister. we are preparing some individuals for baptism on the 21st and everytime we talk about it I get sad know I wont be there but, then I remember that yes I will be at the greatest baptism, that of my little sisters, which I have been longing and waiting to do for so long. It's going to be a busy and crazy day today, but we will be having our farewell dinner up at the mission home tonight! love you! see you soon! love your son, Elder Wood

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Mom, I am back in Freetown! The week was incredible for us, we spent most of it in Liberia doing leadership trainings for all the leaders in the zones.  You know that as long as I'm at this I still think I will always be a little nervous to talk in front of people but, nonetheless the Lord helped me and it turned out to be a satisfying and edifying experience.  Things have been so busy and great that I have completely forgotten how short the time is for me, and honestly I'm just trying to soak in every moment because it is nearly over.   To respond to your letter last week, yes I will be traveling with Elder Bennion he is one of the ones that we traveled with on the way here and he is from Ferron, Utah.  I am so excited for Karlee's baptism and wouldn't miss it for the world. Thank you for all you've done to support me over these two years. Me being the first child I know that you are wondering if you will ever get to see me again, if really when you send them, they come back?  Well believe it or not I will see you next week! Thanks for being so strong through all this.  Sister Roggia was asking me what food I would want you to prepare for me when I get home and I thought and thought and I honestly don't care, as long as it is home cooked and cooked by you! She was like now your mom can fatten you up,ha ha! So I hope that maybe you will let me know the final details about the trip to the Salt Lake Temple after I get back.  How is everything going to go? It still hasn't even set in at all that I'm going and won't until I board the plane next Tuesday.  It's going to be bitter sweet mom, I don't know how I can leave these people after all I've gone through here and the way I've grown. I'll see you soon. love you! love your son,

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Mom, I just wanted to share an experience from the week! There's something that probably every single missionary in the history of the church has dreamed of and that is teaching and baptizing a big family. I have not had the opportunity to teach a family as of yet, at least not entirely. So, since the transfer began a couple weeks ago I have been praying that the Lord would guide us to a family to teach; I have another testimony that the Lord answers prayers. We recieved a referral from the elders in Wellington about a young woman that had joined in a lesson. So this last Monday we had the impression from the Holy Ghost; we know now to go and contact her. We don't teach single sisters without another male present so in going there we really hadn't planned on sitting down because we didn't know if there would be another person there to join us in the lesson who is a male. Upon arriving at the house we met an older gentlemen reading his bible, the young woman that we had gone there for was smiling and waving at us, she brought two chairs out and it's as if my companion and I both knew that it was for this man that we came, we started asking about his family and his religious background and the rest and come to find out this is a family. A mother and father with 3 children all over 20 years old they loved the message that we shared about the restoration, we gave them the Book Of Mormon and invited them to read and pray. They have already been doing so, and also the mom and dad visited us yesterday at church. -answered prayers- Although I do not know if they will be ready to baptize before I leave, I still know that the Lord has answered my prayers and is aware and hears each and every plea we offer up to him. I love you all. Love your son, Elder Wood

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Mom, It's been a crazy/incredible/amazing weekend, we just got back from Bo today and there isn't much time but I gotta tell you, it was the most amazing weekend you could imagine. When the bus pulled up with all the brethren in it, we were setting up to take a picture of the missionaries, they went inside to wait till the sisters came. Well then we had to ask Elder Randall a question and he was inside the office, so me and Elder Priddis, walked up to the office door and opened it up to meet Elder Holland for the first time of my life. He sat down and made a comment about how hot it was for the missionaries outside, then he saw us and said, come shake hands elders. My heart was full speed at that point, me and my companion both just stood there not knowing what to do finally I went first and shook his hand. He stood up and put his arms around the two of us and said, "Where's home for you elders?" We told him and he made a comments about us being the Rams ha ha. Later he said that his team beat us for the championship back when he was in High School. I never did asked what high school he went to, but anyway he thanked us for everything and then in a daze we hurried back outside. We got to hear him speak to us for about 35 minutes and it was incredible!! There's so much more I want to tell you but there is literally no time. I will tell you all I promise. Everything that has gone into this was worht it, the planning, the time and effort, everything was worth it. Elder Holland is incredible, as is his wife Sister Holland. They make you feel like their very best friend even though it's the very first time you've ever met them. When he was about to say amen during the missionary conference and at the general session, my heart longed for him to stay, I dont know if I will ever get to see him again in my life at least up close like that, and it really made me sad, but it was one of the very best days of my life! Amazing. Talk to you next
week! love your son, Elder Wood

Monday, January 30, 2012

Mom, We had another incredible week here in Freetown, Sierra Leone. We are dead in the middle of dry season, its hotter than you can imagine at times, lots and lots of dust, but I couldn't be happier to be here! This week we have spent a lot of time in our area teaching our investigators, and we've had so many spiritual experiences and seen so many miracles, like I have said beofre that once you start looking for the hand of the Lord, and you look with spiritual eyes, you will see that it is everywhere and in everything. Just yesterday one of our baptismal candidates was supposed to be interviewed after church, well she never even came, or so we thought. I was feeling down a bit thinking we might have to set a new baptismal date, then we just felt prompted to go and ask the zone leaders to do the other interview since they were just waiting around for us, well we went out, they got seated and we sat waiting. Well we just happened to glance out the gate at the right time (there is no coincidence, it was the hand of the Lord) to see our dear sister walking by, come to find out she had attended an earlier branch because she had some things to take care of at home. We were able to then get her interviewed and she is set for Saturday. Just one simple example of the miracles that we are seeing each and every day, its incredible how much the Lord cares for us and is mindful of each and every one of his children. Yesterday Elder Priddis and I got to go with President and Siter Roggia to Lumely, because they were calling a new branch presidency. I don't know if you remember but, that was my very first branch. As I sat down, I looked up and saw one of my converts sitting behind the sacrament table in priesthood attire preparing to bless the sacrament. Oh, I wish you could just feel what joy that was, all the memories of teaching him and helping him receive the gospel flashed back to my mind and it's just hard to put into words the true peace and satisfaction that I felt. After the service I met two more converts who were still strong and active in the church, and the same feeling came over me. When you have that kind of experience it just makes you hungry for more, it makes you want to help every single person that you see because you know in the long run its going to be more worth it than any other thing you could do with your time. I'm already excited and anxious for my mission with my wife, and this time I might even get to choose where I go! you know I wouldn't choose any other place than right here! there is nothing greater than this, when I have these kind of experiences, at the very peak of the experience, I always say to myself, yup this is it, this is what it's all about, if I can feel this way for the rest of my existence, I will give up any and everything to do so. Nothing is harder, nothing is sweeter, nothing compares. its been another terrific week, can't wait to see what this week holds in store for us! love you all, talk to you next week. love, Elder Wood

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Mom, Wow, it was good to talk to you all.  Like you said when we said goodbye it wasn't like the previous calls where it was hard to hang up, I know that the time is short now and its all about just finishing strong like dad said.  President always says something.. if the whole dinner is delicious but the desert is terrible, that is the only thing that you will ever remember.  I could have come this far and had a wonderful experience but its now the last inning or the 4th quarter and i have to finish strong or i'll regret it for the rest of my life! I think we all have to finish strong like that.     I forgot to tell you how cute Karlee was yesterday I said what time did you get up and she said 5.  I said wow thats so early, she said I know i was so tired I couldn't even see! hahaha she is the most precious little thing.  we are baptizing a little 9 year old girl this saturday who every time i look at her I see Karlee and it melts my heart, I can't wait to baptize that little girl.   So i just wanna share something that happened here not too long ago that really touched me.  . . so this woman came to the door and no one knew who she was and she was asking for her child, she was giving us his name but no one knew.  She said he went on mission and its been 2 years.  Im telling you this woman wanted to see her child.  As we talked with her she wanted us to find out where he would be living when he got home, whether with her or with his sister.  I knew deep down in her heart she wanted him to be staying with her.  Well, we told her we would email his mission and find out.  She just had that look in her eye and you could see the love she had for her son.  After she walked out we were all talking and just came to the conclusion that no matter what country, what dialect, what culture or race, mommas just love their boys!  Well we got the chance and opportunity to take this missionary to that mother when he got home and it was neat.  She was clapping and dancing and praising Heavenly Father, she kept saying thank you, thank you! I do believe at that very moment in time she was the happiest woman in the entire world. So what i learned is from this is how much you do love us kids, I don't think we really understand. and if you love us that much, how much does our father in heaven love us?  I think we often underestimate how much love He has for each and every one of His children, but i know that He loves each and every one of us Perfectly and completely, as Dieter F. Uchtdorf said in his talk, The Love Of God. I love you mom! E
lder wood

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Family, Let me just tell you the most amazing thing in the world.  When we were going to Bo a few weeks ago we were talking to president Roggia about meeting the apostles and how it is and stuff and he asked me if i could meet any of them who would I choose.  I said that Elder Jeffrey R. Holland for sure.  He said well Elder if you stay faithful and obedient I promise you that you will one day meet him.  Righteous desires are given to us by faith and also with our prayers.  Well, on friday President Roggia called and said I have been thinking about what you have been saying about having faith that Elder Holland will come ( we had previously been making a joke about where we would possibly house him if he came and how there is a very slim chance that he would actually be able to come, it is pretty primitive here).  Well, he said elder I want you and Elder Priddis to call the zones and tell them to prepare to receive Elder Holland into this mission for a visit in February!!!!!!!!!!!  I couldn't even sleep that night just tossing and turning.  Elder Holland is coming to Sierra Leone and also Elder Snow and his wife.  I can't think of anyone in the world apart from the prophet himself, I would rather meet and even just shake his hand!!  Oh, I am so happy and excited. How cool is that though?   I got my drivers license this week and have been driving it's pretty crazy but a lot of fun and pretty much I am loving my mission more than I ever thought you could love something.  Having the time of my life and trying each day to become more like my savior Jesus Christ. What could be better! have a great week, I love you all so much, thank you for the package and the support I miss you all! love your son, Elder Wood
Mom,   This was a wonderful week for us though.  We had a baptism Saturday for two wonderful children and also we split the branches and create a new Belliar park branch! the work is really going forward and will continue to do so until it has reached to everyone.   Well yesterday we were going up the mountain, all our area is on 2 huge mountains so its all climbing haha anyway i learned a huge lesson.  A drunk man that we had contacted earlier came up and gave us all kind of reasons why he couldn't be at church.  Then he said his muslim brother was sick at the hospital, so we should go and pray on him.  We had an appointment but the thought came to both of us, who are we to deny someone of the blessings of this gospel and priesthood.  we went and gave him a priesthood blessing and told him according to his faith in Jesus Christ he would be healed.  well the same drunk man said well why don't you just pray on them all, we tried to explain that we don't solicit like that and because they have to ask us, so, it shows their faith.  Anyway it's what he said after that, that has been in my mind the whole day.  He said listen, when someone is sick, even if you take garbage, or sand, and you give them to eat and tell them that it will make them better they will do it because they want to be healed.  I got thinking and i realized that is how we humans are, when we are in trials and tribulation, sickness and grief and pain, we need Heavenly Father.  President Roggia always says people find God in basic training and in prison.  But people find money and they all the sudden don't have time.  The scripture came to me that he who is compelled to be humble is blessed but he who humbles himself has the reward.  I boxed up the scripture but you know which one i'm talking about.  So it has just been a reminder to me that even when things are going great for us we need to remember Heavenly Father, lets not be compelled to be humble but rather humble ourselves and always remember Him who has given us everything. I love you all so much and can't wait to hear from you next week! love your son, Elder Wood

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

Dear Family, Sounds like it was a great week. This week was so busy but, it was amazing. I got to see some of my recent coverts in Bo! Last week I was still kind of shocked and my head was spinning so, I didn't say anything about being the new assistant, sorry. It's been so cool being around president Roggia so much. If he's here in Freetown then we are doing all kind of stuff to help him with the work, if he's in Liberia or traveling then we are teaching and baptizing like normal. We are so busy, the time is flying even faster than I ever thought it possibly could. Let me just share some fun things that have happened this past week, I only have a little time left because we carved pumpkins and it's late now. Well monday the old missionaries that were going, 2 of which were my former companions while we were in Kissy, had a dinner at the mission home so we took them all up to Lester Peak like the highest mountain in around to look at the whole city, how amazing to look at it and think that very soon it will all be memories and lessons learned. Sister Roggia made lasagna and chocolate chip cookie bars or something, yeah I'll probably start putting on weight now, hahah. Tuesday was jam packed. Me and elder Priddis went with president and took the ferry across the sea to drop off the outgoing elders at the airport and to pick up the new ones. There were like 7 Americans and 1 Nigerian all straight from the MTC. Right when I started to talk to one of them, one from St. George he said, "dude, you sound like an African," hahah!! We got back and took them to the mission home and had another delicious dinner by sister Roggia and it was also presidents birthday so sis Patterson made cherry cheesecake. We brought them to our place afterwards and spent the night here. Wednesday we did an orientation for them and then did all the transfers here in Freetown. That took the entire day but it is so fun getting to know all the new elders that are just coming here to serve. Me and Elder Priddis with president went to the airport to pickup Elder Dickson, the temple president and his wife of Ghana accra temple, and another man that is from England who works for the church. Well we picked them up and then got back on the ferry. It's a huge ferry like you drive your car onto it and then go sit up on top, well we were sitting there till like 6:00 when they announced the plane is late so we will wait till 7:00 because, if we don't wait then those people will have no way to reach Freetown until the next day so we waited and waited and finally the whole ferry just shook. We went out on the deck to see that the other ferry had ran into us, haha! Anyway, it didn't do any damage or anything it was just kind of crazy. We waited till dark like 7:30 and still haven't left. The tide started getting high and everything, we had to drive up higher on the ramp to let the the cars drive on. Well finally we left, the whole way over we got to talk to the temple president and his wife about their assignment and their families and all kinds of neat stuff. The work is so sweet. we are so busy right now I can't even tell you how awesome it is though. Friday we traveled to Bo with all the new elders and then to Kenema and did all the transfers there. Saturday we had district conference in Bo and also Sunday we had the same. We got back last night around 6:00 and had to collect all the numbers from the different zones. Nothing is greater than being around and learning from president so much now. Any time I get a free chance i'm trying to learn from him and asking him questions and the rest. When I find time to write in my journal I have so many things I can write, we got to be around Elder Dickson most of the weekend and he is one of the neatest guys. He said that the accident of him losing his arm was one of the biggest blessings that has ever come to him, because you learn lessons from, "doing the hard stuff". It was an amazing week and this next week is going to be busy and exciting too. We are going to be in Bo again this next weekend so I might get to see some familiar faces and also of course see the elders that are there. I'm learning a ton I am just seeing more and more that you have to know how to prioritize, put the most important and eternal things first and the rest will fall into place. I asked president how he does it, balancing everything, and he said you have to remember the serenity prayer. Basically remember that you can't change everything, but that Heavenly Father will give you the strength to change the things you can, that he will help you to leave the things you can't and that he will grant you the wisdom to know the difference. It's going so good, the mission had over 200 baptisms in this month of October. Imagine what the possibilities are. I will let you know more next week! Sounds like the family is doing great, cute little Karlee and her princess outfit! I can't wait to get home and baptize her. Thank you so much for everything you do. I can't imagine the things I am going to learn and the ways I will grow. I'm writing them all down don't worry! I love you all have a great week! love your son, Elder Wood

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Family, Well we had a great and busy past two weeks. We have had interviews with president, zone meeting and also an awesome training from president. On Saturday me and elder Essego had an awesome baptism in Grafton. They were all sisters, 1 was about dads age the others were my age group and one 10 year old girl. We had the service in the compound. Then we broke and walked down to the waterside which is about a few hundred yards down this small hill, and elder Essego baptized them all. It was such a perfect baptism, we are going to have another one on the 22nd at the same place, we will be spending the whole week preparing them for the interview. In the training I learned something from President Roggia that I have been asking myself ever since i came on mission and kind of realized that one day I will have my own family and have to raise them. We were talking about leading with love and teaching with love. I brought up the instance of Jesus in the temple when he somehow scattered the place because they were selling and trading and the rest. Well President kind of expounded on those few verses and we came to see that in that instance Christ didn't use any kind of force or any kind of fury or rage. He simply told them to leave, he didn't even want the doves to be harmed. well then came the saying, spare the rod, spoil the child. That day I learned, and also decided that I will NEVER use beating as a way of raising my kids. We shouldn't, we simply dont need to. It doesn't do anything, when we force people against their will, they don't change, they will keep on doing the same thing. It comes by persuasion and gentleness. It was this last week that the truth of everything came and it was confirmed. We heard a child screaming, we knew immediately that the boy was being beaten for one thing or another. So we rushed over and on the way someone made a comment like that guy always beats that kid, the kid is stubborn. Well when we got there we asked the man to stop and although he was super mad he stopped and started venting to us, or giving us excuses about why he beats the boy. The boy was supposed to go buy pepper from the market and some razor blades, after 3 hours he came back with one pack of blades and no pepper. After all this venting I noticed something funny, the same boy who had been screaming and shouted like he was severely suffering, had stopped crying completely and was just standing there like well dad I won.. again. They say something in krio. Kanda Wam, Kanda Cold. that is when you are getting beat you will be in pain, but in a matter of minutes you will be fine, you aren't going to die. Because this man beat his kid so many times, the kid had learned that well, even if I do something dumb like take 3 hours to buy some blades and my dad beats me, the beating won't kill me. The play and fun outweighed the beating he would get at the end. All the man kept saying is this boy is stubborn and the rest. When you tell someone something enough times they start to believe it. I felt bad for the kid but, I really learned something that day. I will be teaching my children someday to love Heavenly Father and to love the gospel, when they make a mistake.Talk to them, and let the spirit teach them will be 100 times more effective than any beating you can give a child. The things i'm learning here are incredible, how could I ever have learned and decided how I will raise my kids if I wouldn't have decided to come to Sierra Leone for this mission. I'm loving every second of my mission its going by so fast I cant believe it, I just want to learn as many lessons about life like this as I can, I know I will be so much more prepared to face the challenges at home because of this mission. It was a awesome week and this next 2 weeks is gonna be packed full of stuff as well including the baptism on the 22nd at the same waterside. I love you all have a great week! love your son, Elder Wood

Monday, September 26, 2011

August 22, 2011

It’s been so long since I wrote but, I found some spare time and thought I’d write you a quick note. I love you all!
We had a sweet week here in Sierra Leone Freetown Mission. Elder Satati came; he’s from the quorum of the Seventy. We had zone conference and also district conference with him. I learned so much.
Pops, you told me to watch successful people in whatever field they are in and I’ve noticed one thing for sure about them….they may have a million things to do but, they know how to put the most important things first then, the rest will fall into place or it will fall out of our lives (like it said in a quote mom gave me). It’s something I’m not perfect at but, I’m also learning now. Last night I was so stressed by the things I needed to do then, to top it off I found out about two more assignments, haha! The spirit reminded me that despite all this, look at the most important, eternal things, the busy work you can do tomorrow but the relationship you have a chance to build with your fellow elders; to gain their trust and develop that love….those are eternal things that last the longest. So, I put down everything, took my journal and went and sat with my elders. We had a very nice discussion, I felt so good after. It’s just like that with kids; I know one day this same situation is going to come. I’ll have 400 things, immediate and temporal and my son is going to say, “dad I need help”. In that moment I already know what I’m going to do…..I’m gonna help my son, the rest can wait.
We just have to put the things that last the longest first, those are the most important and those are the eternal things.
Can you imagine where I’d be right now if I hadn’t come on this amazing mission? It’s crazy, it’s scary, I’m so grateful for this experience. I love it so much. It’s going to be the foundation for the rest of my life. I love you all!
Elder Wood

Saturday, April 16, 2011

March 21, 2011

    Hey, guys how was the week? I know it was probably great but before anything mom, happy Birthday today. I know this won't get there for like 3 weeks but I really hope that you got my other letter I sent a long time ago. I'm hoping it's made its way there by now. I want to hear all about it today in your letter how your birthday went. Just think by this time next year you will be making all the preparations to come here and get me, time is crazy! Well, yesterday I saw that God is a God of miracles, he brought one man to church that we had prayed and hoped like crazy would come. He has some serious addiction problems and his wife is coming every Sunday with his daughter but, he hasn't been yet, personally I believe he feels unwanted at church like God doesn't love him, but to my greatest joy and surprise yesterday as I was sitting in church I was tapped on the shoulder by his daughter and as I looked, lo and behold I saw him, I was so happy. There's no way he would have come except by the help of Heavenly Father, God really is watching and knows us all by name. This Saturday we are having a baptism for four individuals. I'm not sure the details but we want to run the generator and show a small film clip, play hymns, and listen to their testimonies; it should be a great baptism. We are also combining with New Barracks branch. Anyway, next Monday I will let you all know how it went.

    There's one family here in our branch I love so much I'm sure I've mentioned them before. They have only been in the church a little over a year but, they are so amazing. I look at them just as my family. Yesterday just as we finished the day we decided to go and say hello to them, right when we got there they pulled us a seat and we sat and talked and then told us they want to feed us some food. I don't know how to describe it but, I just felt like I was at home, like I was simply coming home for Sunday dinner, of course at home it would be roast beef and potatoes and the rest and here its rice. I still felt very happy, I can't tell you the way I've come to appreciate family on my mission, you guys are the biggest blessing I could ever ask for, so long as we all have each other and are all keeping the commandments, heading toward the final goal of exaltation, then there's nothing much I can really ask for more. The gospel is so sweet, it has the power to change anyone's heart no matter how hard, cold, and the rest, the church, the gospel of Jesus Christ is for everyone.

    I just finished the morning schedule. I brooked my cloths and then had personally study and companionship study. I'm still reading the New Testament. I want to finish it and then read the book "Jesus the Christ". I'm reading the New Testament with the student manual as well so this really is taking some time but, I'm enjoying it so much. I'm learning so much that I can apply to my teaching, to my life, and my future. Yesterday I read Ephesians so, I'm making progress. I don't know if I will read the Old Testament yet because I want to do something with the Book of Mormon, like a unique way of studying it so I'll do it first and then tell you how it goes. I'm not sure I told you but, like a week and a half ago I finished the Book of Mormon again. I love that book so much, anytime I open it, I feel peaceful and happy. If I compare the way I feel when I read the New Testament to the Book of Mormon, there's really no comparison. I know with all my heart that the Book of Mormon is true. I've seen it change lives, the biggest one being myself, what other proof does someone need, a book that brings peace, happiness, comfort, truth & light in a world like this; one that changes lives, who can argue that the book isn't true. It's the people who haven't read it. I remember dad always saying how smooth his life goes when he reads, compared to when he doesn't and it's so true. When I have my own family I will do everything in my power to make sure we are holding Book of Mormon study time; a set time every day.

    This is the last week of the transfer, I really love this area now and the people are so great. We started something just two weeks ago, zone desert! So, every two weeks on Sunday all the Elders in the Zone come to our apartment and we take turns cooking different deserts. Last week Elder Bennion and their district made these things called rice cakes, imagine……more rice, for desert. But they have like rice and bananas and maple syrup in them, they are fried, they were really good to tell you the truth. This Sunday, It's our turn to do the cooking. We want to make peanut butter cookies but we haven't been able to find peanut butter to buy so, we don't know. So everyone will come over this Sunday and eat the desert and we will receive the transfer news from the zone leaders. I hope I still stay in Bo, I just barely got here so, I don't want to go anywhere yet. The rains have been falling occasionally, like one time a week but, come June it is daily. It's so nice while its raining but the sun always comes out so, then after the sweat is like 3 times as bad, but I think I like the rainy more than the dry. We got light this week 2 nights……Friday from 12 A.M. to 6:30 A.M and last night the same. The first we have received in over 5 weeks. I was so happy the fan was blowing on me and I slept so good I even felt chilly when I woke up this morning. Hopefully light will be coming more often now but you can never be sure. Tell everyone hello for me. I miss you all, it's been so long but, it's also going to quick. By the way how are my fiends doing…..Skyler, Tanner, Taylor, Jaxon, and the rest? I've written them all, and I care so much about them. Please tell them all I said hello. I love you all, mom and pops, you guys are amazing. HAPPY BDAY mom!



    Elder Wood

Friday, March 18, 2011

February 28, 2011

Dear Family,

Good morning! How are you all? I miss you guys like crazy. I can't believe March starts tomorrow, it's really amazing how hot it is here right now. March is the very, very hottest month in the year here. So I just have to bear it, there's no way to avoid it. In middle April or so the rains will start coming, once in a while and then we will enter our second rainy season! I don't know which one I like better, dry or rainy season. This week no one came through by our apartment so last week's letter is still with me. I will just put them together to save a stamp. Tuesday we had something we just started, called district training. The Zone leaders teach us during it and then after we all split up in our areas and go and practice the things we have learned. I went with an Elder, he's from Nigeria, he will be going home in may so he's basically finished but, I had a great day. We have begun to do something that's been given to us as counsel from the first presidency. At the end of every lesson the head of the family or the person we are teaching offers a kneeling closing prayer. It's something I questioned at first, but I've come to see the sacredness of prayer and by kneeling it shows God we are humble. If possible we try and go inside so that we don't do as the hypocrites do, but if it's not possible we just do it right where we are and it's something I've really come to enjoy. I've learned so much myself as we have become to implement these new basic fundamentals into our work. I've come to see that God can answer us through 3 things. 1. Prayer 2. Book of Mormon 3. Church attendance. I always asked myself why I never had a vision or dream or a "wow" experience to tell me this church is true but, I've come to realize I've been answered all along, my own answer coming through the Book of Mormon. Every time I read it I'm happy and at peace with myself, I feel like there's great hope for the future, I can't describe it but I know without a shadow of a doubt that the Book of Mormon is true, so my companion said his answer came through church attendance, when he went he said he knew our church had something. So I'm just trying to see how all of this can be applicable when I get home and I've seen it.

I'm still trying to recover from the football last Monday. I really didn't even feel like I ran or even did very much but, this whole week I've been so tired, I've never slept better in my life than I did this week it's very hard to get out of bed in the mornings. I can't just do like I used to and dress quick and lay back down, haha! By the way, is Zack still professional at the? Haha. This upcoming week is going to go by like crazy. Tuesday we are proselyting and also Wednesday then Thursday we have to wake up and be at the bus station place by like 5 to take the bus to Freetown. I'm gonna be so tired. I'm not 100% sure if we will be doing anything with the Kissy chapel so I'm not sure if I will see people I know, like my people from Kissy. They said that we will reach Freetown around 11 or so and from like 1-3 we will be receiving instructions from different missionaries on the fundamentals of preach my gospel, then we are watching the movie called "How to train a dragon"? I'm guessing you probably know that movie? One newer missionary said it came out before he left so I'm sure its not a new, new one. Anyway that night we are just eating together as a zone and then Friday is the zone conference either @ Kissy chapel or @ Hillstation or Belliar Park, I'm really not sure, but elder Dixon is coming, I'm so excited and so we will have that zone conference and then Elder Dixon will be interviewing every single one of us just like Elder Cardon did. I'm pumped of course, nervous because he's and area 70 but, I read something this week that made me calm, small. It said, if we are not comfortable in front of very righteous men and women here on earth how will we be comfortable in the presence of God? We will shrink before him. One time president Roggia told us the same thing, he said if you can't even look me in the eyes how comfortable will you be in the presence of the Lord? Look at the people you feel comfortable or non-comfortable around and maybe it will show us we need to change some things or improve ourselves in such a way that we would be comfortable in front of them, just something to think about.

I don't know if I told you guys but, I'm currently reading the New Testament for my personal study. I'm learning so much from the student manual I'm reading with it. Today I'm learning about the pre-existence and like for-ordination and the rest. Since we are part of Israel, it means we made some choices in the pre-existence that were more righteous than others therefore we are enjoying the blessings that come from this inheritance and the crazy thing is there are many of us that are throwing this inheritance away, following after and chasing the vain things of the world. But we will all stand before God to be judged of what we have done with this inheritance Romans 14:12. I'm really starting to love the New Testament with tons of insights and stuff. I'm also in Ether of my Book of Mormon reading so I will be done with the Book of Mormon very soon. I want to read it again with the student manual that is when I am finished with Jesus the Christ. As for the Old Testament, I want to read it, but I'm not sure I'll have the time here on my mission but, I may try and start it.

Yesterday I gave the lesson in Elders quorum and it was on the talk in the November Liahona from the prophet. I believe from the priesthood session on the 3r's of choice. It's easier to be obedient 100% of the time that 98% of the time. If we break the Sabbath day once for something, how easy will it be to make exceptions to other things, telling ourselves that everyone does it or my circumstance is justifiable. Anyway, it went very well and I learned tons by teaching it. I'm really starting to get excited about learning everything in the church from the counsel from the apostles and prophet to deep doctrines taught. It's exciting and makes me realize that I seriously know very little about this church, the door to salvation. I love you all!

Love Elder Wood

Saturday, January 22, 2011

January 3, 2011

Dear Family,

    I hope everyone had a great and wonderful week! So, 2010 is come and past and now 2011 has come, this will be the big year for us to pass through. I will not see America or you guys through this entire year, crazy huh? But just like always time will come and go and the year will pass. This week has been amazing for me, one of the best I've had yet to tell you the truth. Right now, it's the craziest weather, this place really seriously is cold in the mornings, like right now the fan is blowing and I'm freezing, yeah really I never would have guessed, this place is very dry. I never would have guessed this place could actually feel cold. When I get home I will literally freeze because it will be April; still some cold days might come and everything. Monday our branch had a branch party so, after talking to you guys we went and visited. The children sang some cute Christmas songs and they gave some small gift exchange and stuff. Tuesday we were just in Looking Town, I seriously love that place, I love the children so much. I love when we are teaching and some of the kids are fighting over who gets to sit next to me. It touches my heart, they are so cute, and I adore them. Wednesday we had a Zone meeting, I really felt like I spiritually and mentally prepared myself for this one and in return I feel like I've changed my life. Saturday I was privileged to perform three baptismal ordinances, ahh, it was great. I've seen all the baptismal candidates come all the way up, leaving their bad habits, confess them to us and put their faith in God and Jesus Christ and enter the waters of baptism; what a sweet scene to see. For New Year's Day we were invited to eat at one man's house in Thunderhill so, that was our celebration really. Of all the days of this last week now Sunday was the best I'd say, the most happened. So church now starts at 10:30 for Kissy 2 and 12:30 for Kissy 1. Yesterday we got inside the taxi and headed to church, the man was smoking that was driving so we asked him to stop. He did, we drove till we reached the chapel then I got out of the car as my companion handed the man a 5,000 note. I could sense something wasn't right. Finally the man parks the car and gets out and comes and starts screaming at us that it's fake money we are using. We say sir we are missionaries we didn't know, he says, "I'm a police man, I know fake money; tell me why you are walking with fake money?" People start to hear and before we know what's happening the whole church it seems like is there yelling and talking. The man says "no, I will not take money, I'm taking this and this man and I'm taking him to jail!" So still they argued, argued, argued, finally the man saw how mad everyone was, he took the money and left. I seriously thought my companion was going to jail yesterday. But I really saw how many people cared about us and stood up for us yesterday, it make me happy to see all those people backing us. What a sweet way to start my Sunday.

    Anyway so many people came to church yesterday, I had an absolute blast. I saw all my people and ya know, I felt something yesterday, it's been a long time since I felt it. Last week I told myself I would bear my testimony so I sort of prepared myself. Usually I'm so busy looking for people and doing this and that, that I miss the most important part of sacrament meeting which is……the spirit that is there. This Sunday I reminded myself of when I was a very small boy and I would sit and shake until I got up and bore my testimony. The same thing happened yesterday. I knew I needed to, I was even nervous for some reason but the way I felt made me smile. It took me back to Parowan 4th ward chapel sitting there building the courage to get up. Yesterday I had one, if not the best spiritual Sundays, and sacrament meeting since I came and I know it was because of how I mentally prepared myself. Well, last night the transfer news came. It looks like I will be leaving my people here in Kissy, sadly enough some of them I won't see until we meet in the celestial kingdom. It pains my heart really but I hope maybe when you come we can pass by and meet them all, I love them so very much. I'm going to Messima Branch, It's in Bo! Looks like I've finished in Freetown and it's on to Bo. I'm excited to go but sad to leave the people. I love you all. Have a great week. Happy New Year!

                Love your son,

                    Elder Wood

Monday, January 3, 2011

January 3, 2010

I can't believe how time is flying.  I can say this might have been the best week I've had so far in kissy. We had an awesome instruction about teaching and asking heaven inspired questions in zone meeting on Wednesday and from that time now I've had some amazing experiences. President Roggia said for us missionaries to be praying for peace in the Ivory Coast and West Africa; I'll be so devastated if something happened and they took me to another mission, I'm not going anywhere I'm staying here two years.  Seriously I love it here it's the most amazing place I can't wait until you come.  My dear and amazing sister Marcouta accepted a baptismal date this week!!! Finally, finally, finally, on January 29th she will enter the waters of baptism. And the saddest part is I won't be there.  I was told I'm leaving kissy last night.  Wednesday morning they will be picking me up. I'm all packed and ready to go. Yes, I'm getting transferred, and of course I'm sad to leave these people but, it's where the Lord wants me to go and it's just the nature of this great missionary work.  I wasn't sure if I would be transferred or not but i got the call and Elder Wood is going to BO!!!! I'm so excited it's exactly where I wanted to go! My Companion is Elder Eyinda. I know him, he's from Ghana.   I have never ever seen Bo. It's in the middle of the country and its bush, like village.  So yeah, I've never been. I can't wait to go there!  I will write and tell you all about it next week!!


    Love your son,

    Elder Wood




December 13, 2010

Dear Family,

    Hello, to my best knowledge, you will hear my voice before you receive this letter. I'm seriously so excited to talk to you all. This has been another great and challenging week here in Kissy, Freetown Sierra Leone. Monday we went and taught an investigator after I finished e-mailing you guys. Sis Hohanatu, she's a wonderful person with great faith. We taught her the Sabbath day and said we shouldn't buy on Sunday. Then I asked her if she usually buys on Sunday and she said yes but, Elder Wood I promise I will never do it again. It amazed me at how willing she was. I said we have talked about your baptism date and decided you will be baptized on New Year's Day Jan 1, 2011. She said that sounds great, I will never forget that day. It will be the happiest day of my life. It's so true these people are searching, searching, searching, to fill a hole in their hearts that they didn't even know was there. They hunger for the gospel and they know not where to find it. Tuesday we were up in Looking Town like usual. We saw many of our people and on Christmas day we should be baptizing about 5 people or so. I really pray it all works out and comes together. Wednesday as well we proselyted normal and Thursday we went on an exchange. I went with Elder Kitson-Dodoo, in my pictures it is the one you see who has body. Like if it's us four, he's the biggest one. Really I like this guy a lot; he's a great guy and very fun to be around. Last Monday we took poda poda into town and played football on the National teams practice field and seriously I didn't believe it but it was rurf. It was so sweet! There were people playing on it right when we arrived so we went and played our first half on some dirt patch, very dusty and rocky but still it was a blast. From there we played the 2nd half on the nice field, my energy was basically gone but I tried my best, haha I had fun anyway. Friday we saw many new investigators and Saturday as well. Last week I told you about sis Marcouta and how she came to church and everything. This week right when we got there, she was reading the Book of Mormon, right when we sat down she asked us about the temple so we switched our lesson from the law of chastity to temples. We taught her about sealing's, baptisms for the dead and endowment. I shared with her how my mother is a convert and we as a family all went together to be sealed when I was young, from there I said sis Marcouta, will you prepare yourself to one day visit the Lords holy house? And she after some time smiled and nodded her head. Now that seems like a small thing I know but for sis Marcouta its huge, you don't understand how stubborn this woman is. Then with all the confidence in the world thinking this would be the day, I said will you be baptized by someone who has the priesthood authority and follow Jesus Christ's example, into the Church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints? She looked at me then outside then at me, seriously my heart was pounding like I was playing in the state championship all over again. Finally she said "I'll pray about it." I was very let down because I know that she knows that this church is true. She knows it with all her heart but something is holding her back. I know that her time is coming it's very near and this just requires patience. My mission president taught us that with the degree and amount of patience we show and give our investigators and other people, God will grant unto us that same amount. If we are patient with them, God will be patient with us and oh how badly we imperfect sinning human beings need God to be patient with us. But I know sis Marcouta will be baptized I can feel it; it's only a matter of time. Her husband was once a less active and now to see him come to church in his white priesthood with his wife and kids, it's a heart touching sight really. This week we worked like crazy, honestly could have been the hardest week of my life and still we were disappointed by many who didn't come to church. But such is life. It's full of heartaches and letdowns but, they are necessary to make the good times sweet. Sunday my branch president for Kissy 1 gave a wonderful talk. He said there are so many of us young people who say, if I could only have this kind of wife or husband with this and that qualities, we all want that that ideal and perfect person. He said but what we fail to do is to first ask ourselves if we ourselves are that person. It's so very true. How can you expect to marry an amazing, beautiful pure woman if you yourself are not those things? How can I expect my investigators to do this or obey that if me myself am not willing to obey or do this or that. It's so true. It starts with yourself and your example and who you are and it will filter down. But I believe the hardest thing for us to do is to look ourselves in the mirror and admit we need to change or that we really are far, far from perfection. I honestly have a testimony that God answers prayers and is always there and listening. Although we won't be together this holiday time or season let's not focus on what we don't have but, rather what we do have. I love you all; have an amazing Christmas and a happy new year. Talk to you soon.

    Love your son,

Elder wood

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Monday October 25, 2010

Dear Family,

    How is everyone there doing? I'm not sure what's going on there because I haven't read the e-mail yet and its only 6:00 AM here, but if I put everything together right it sounds like the opening day of the deer hunt is passed, today might even be the harvest holiday on Monday and Zack's senior football season could be over? Holy smokes the time really passed didn't it, before we know it I'll be writing a letter saying congratulations, Zack you made it through high school; and then I'll be at my one year mark, it is unreal! Well, this week has been a good one, just packed with lessons and walking. The sun is still deciding to beat me more and more every day, but slowly I'm getting used to it. This Saturday we have a baptism with 2 candidates. One's name is Sister Adarna Taylor and Brother Sylvester Larimide. Brother Sylvester really is a converted person. The day I came I was told he was taught every single lesson and even made it to the baptismal interview where he ended up confessing a few things; he had not repented of or mentioned earlier so they postponed his baptism. In a situation like that people will do one of 2 things, they will either think on this one; it's too hard I cannot possibly keep all these commandments any longer and they give up, or they buckle down and realize this is what they want. They realize this will bring them happiness. This is what this Sylvester man chose. Every week this man comes to church and is on time even if we didn't see him for 2 weeks. The guy is there and one thing I respect about him is he's always happy, always! He doesn't have a job and things are tough, but still he's happy, such an inspiration for us who have everything, but yet finding it easy to be unhappy. The purpose of the gospel is happiness. Anyway, something else happened yesterday, we were at church standing up on the balcony because our church is in a building on the 3rd floor. We were catching some breeze, and all the sudden one of our investigators made me and my companion's day by coming. We see her on a motorbike; her small less than 1 year old child tied in a lapa around her back and then her other little child on the drivers lap holding the handle bars. They pull up with big smiles on their faces and it just made my heart melt to see such great faith. This woman just got left by her man after he beats her, plus the land lord kicked them out of their house which is about the size of Karlee's room; it was for the 4 of them. So, they had to move down to somewhere even worse apparently, and we haven't been able to see her for some 2 weeks. Still, she is able to dress up 2 children and pay to take a motorbike to church by 9 in the morning. I was so happy; she has the cutest little girls. I have a picture with the older one and me, which is on my camera, you will see soon. She's a tiny little girl with a huge rice belly, haha. I love her! Her name is Zinab (Zie-nab). Anyway, in her new area something like creepy and wicked is happening, like every night children in that area are just dying out of nowhere. So, after church we blessed her and her 2 children to be out of harm's way and to have safety, it was a great experience. I know they will be safe and fine. All in all this week was a good one though; it seemed to go by pretty fast actually. Time is interesting, but a consistent thing I'll tell you what. Well, I just got home from town; oh it's a headache to go there sometimes. We went first to get our money out of the bank for this month. Let me tell you about how we got a car to go there. At 9:30 A.M. we were standing there with about 100 other people waiting so, as soon as a poda poda comes you have to position yourself in the right spot or you will never ever get to town. The bus comes and is turning around , people are running across the road to get to it but, they don't open the doors yet, it drives down a little bit, my companion and I had given up by now because really there's maybe 20 seats and about 50 people wanting in badly. So, it keeps driving and finally both of us just take off after this thing, we are running with everyone else in our full priesthood attire and all pushing people out of the way, I just muscled my way near the door and stuck my had in there and grabbed the bus to cut people off from getting in before me, people are pushing, shouting, and yelling, haha! I just started shoving back and somehow made my way inside the bus, they grabbed me and my companion and threw us in the very front so, I rode shotgun all the way to town!! If you want anything around here you must fight for it, there's no such thing as respect because of who you are, whether you are a woman, child, missionary or thug, you pay your dues and fight your way inside. So, we went and got the money, then I bought some things at the supermarket and I took my companion to a restaurant to eat because he just turned "one year" on mission so, we went and had rice and stew there, imagine that….more rice, haha. This has been a good week, slowly I'm feeling like I'm apart of these people, I'm beginning to think like them and act too, I know I will sob the day I have to leave them because I know I'll never see some of them ever again in my life on earth.

    Love your son,

    Elder Wood

Friday, November 19, 2010

Monday October 18, 2010

Dear Family,

Hey how is everyone? It's not even six a.m. yet, I'm writing letters now because I'm not going to have time later today at all, we are going to the beach! I'm excited because normally our P days I just brook clothes and write letters and then maybe play a little football. This P day is with the whole zone. I'll be seeing all the fellow missionaries today. This week was good, no baptisms for us till Oct 30 then 2 or maybe 3. On Wednesday we went back to the young boy I baptized house and taught him and I gave him a CTR ring you sent me. You should have seen the smile on this boy's face. He was so happy to receive it. We helped him put it on and everything. Then yesterday at church he came up to me first thing and shook my hand and I could just see he was trying to show off the ring, haha! It made me happy to see this boy so happy because when met him he just wasn't fully happy and now his entire life has changed because of this gospel, it's so amazing. So, anyway besides that the heat is getting crazy like miserable, I'm dying out here, haha! I wear the 100 SPF on my ears and nose, and I sweat all of the water I drink out of my body every morning as I proselyte. If I can get through this dry season I can get through anything. It's so hot, like sometimes we will be walking and I'll reach down and feel my bag and it's too hot to touch so, I just can imagine what it's doing to my skin. It's brown anyway, my arms don't burn anymore they just get dark. Anyway, I have realized there is a time for everyone with the gospel, you can teach someone and teach someone and teach someone and they will not agree to accept it for anything. Then you drop them or get transferred and something happens in their life, maybe someone dies or something or sometimes things just stop going well for them and all the sudden they are like okay, this really is true, I want to get baptized. Seriously everyone has their time. This week has been good, really, I've had a good one, we are getting very close with the people and I'm thinking I will be here a long, long time but, it's really good. I love these people. I don't want to leave them. There weren't any crazy stories this week, the average things happened but it's just everyday stuff, so it doesn't seem crazy anymore. When you come get me though I'm sure you will have big eyes looking around just like I did but, it will be awesome. I'm so pumped to take you guys around after my mission is complete, I know its way far off but it's at least closer to us now than when I left in April! So, our plans for today is, at 8:15 we are getting picked up by the assistants or the Neves, and heading over to #2 beach on the other side of the city, to play on the beach, it's gonna be fun, I'm excited. Then we'll come back and Ill email you guys, I'm not sure what time. Then I'll come home and wash and we will go out to FHE with a family or someone in one of the 2 branches. Then come home, go to bed, and begin another week. I think P days are my most exciting day? Really though I love every day. There just isn't much change but it's a good thing I love this gospel or this work would be impossible. The Creole is still coming, I'm trying to improve everyday but its small small coming, it just takes time and patience. I sometimes forget that these people have lived here their whole lives and have been speaking it their whole lives; that's why they speak it so well and I've only been here 6 months so, I need to be easier on myself but, I just want to be able to speak it better. Keep hanging in there and thanks for being the examples you are to me and the love you show. I will see you soon! Take care and talk to you on Christmas day!

                Love your son,

                Elder Wood

Monday, June 21, 2010

Mom and Dad, How are you guys? I hope my last letter got to you. I promise I will do everything in my power to write you some kind of letter every Monday, I know its nice for both of us to get letters. I didn't get any mail yet this week so. I don't have any questions of yours to answer so, I'll just tell you some things. My P-day's are nice but, so packed. This morning my companion and I woke up at 5 a.m., we went in and worked out for an hour, then I brooked clothes for a while, then I came in and wrote a some letters, and then we had companionship and personally study. I will have to clean the bathroom still today and then I will come email you. I'm very excited. Sierra Leone is crazy, nothing resembles or reminds me of home other than the constant rap music playing everywhere. In the mornings you fight for transportation, you literally run around the other side of taxi's and box people out to get transportation. We've had some very upset people once because this guy we know saved a car for us and these girls were MAD! I couldn't understand much of what they were saying but, I heard them say "whiteman" is all. Anyway, the people are very kind and the members of my branch treat me with love and kindness. Some of the hills we hike everyday are crazy, I feel like I do when I'm hunting with you pops. We eat rice in the morning, we don't really take lunch, sometimes we will get bread or I'll take some jerky or something, then at night we buy chicken and mango's or pineapple, and really besides that I don't eat much else. I've had potato leaf stew with rice and cassava leaf stew with rice. I love the cassava leaf stew. When we walk, if we get thirsty you stop and by a bag of water called a sachet and drink it quick. We live off $3.75 USD a day so, you have to be smart. We also use that to buy soap for washing and to pay someone to take the garbage out and things. I met a man from Utah the other day who was here on business. It was so crazy to see him, it felt weird because there are no such things as Americans here. Please keep sending dearelder letters they get here very fast and it really helps get me through the week. When I tell people we have a farm our size they cant believe it and they are totally amazed. Wow, I'm so proud of it though. We don't waste a second of any day and it's helping to learn to work even harder, It's incredible what you can get done in a day. I'm gonna help so much when I get home from my mission. I realize now how easily I could have helped out so much more! One of my favorite scriptures is 1 Corinthians 13:11. It talks about becoming a man. I love that scripture so much. This is how you say it in krio: "Da tem we mi na nin pikin (child), na pikin tok bin de na mi mot, a bin de ondastand leke aw pikin de ondastand, a bin de tink leke aw pikin de tink; but naw we a don big a don don wit pikin biznes." Pretty wild, huh? haha. Its actually not as hard of a language as it sounds. It's like English turned upside down. I know this is clear in the future and yeah but, are you guys wanting to come pick me up? If its possible it would be amazing, you will die when you see this place. It'll be a once in a lifetime opportunity so, if you could it would be so cool! Plus you would have to get shots and stuff so, it's just something I'm wondering. This church is amazing, the spirit truly is a gift and I'm learning to recognize it more and more. I've promised myself that when I go home and get a calling in the church, I will do everything in my power to magnify it. In so little time we can do so much to help out our leaders. I can see how nice it would make our jobs if just one or two people were dependable. One thing this mission has done for me is put everything into the eternal perspective. When you are living a great life doing what the Lord wants, then its so exciting to learn about the 2nd coming and things. I'm so excited I cant tell you how exciting it is to learn about eternity and all these doctrinal things. I love discussing about these things. Three years ago if you would have told me I'd be in Sierra Leone, sweating my guts out, preaching the gospel to everyone I see, I would tell you, you were crazy. But, its odd now, you can actually find peace in the struggle, If you put things on that eternal perspective you can easily with God's help get through anything. I love the church hymns, I love conference, church magazines, the Book of Mormon, and every little thing about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I appreciate you guys so much and I'm so happy you are my family. This morning we were talking about if we got to choose our family in the pre-earth life and we were given agency. So, honestly for me I think that we chose the family we were placed in, I know I chose you guys and even though I don't remember it, I'm sure there was a reason why I chose you guys and now I'm starting to see it more and more at how good my decision was. How lucky I feel that I get you for all time and eternity as long as I keep my covenants and endure to the end. I now see why you did some of the things you did and said some of the things you said, some things I said to myself, "I'll never do that to my kids!" But now I honestly can say that I want to be the parents you were to me. I know I'm gonna be doing many of the same things you did for me. Thanks for always supporting me no matter what I did and pushing me to want to be great. It made the transition to missionary work so much easier for me than a lot of lads. I hope one day you will serve a mission together. The couple missionaries out here have so much fun and love each other so much. They love us, they don't say it but, I can just feel it. As long as you stay strong in the church and close to the Lord, everything else will work out and if you have an eternal perspective, it's so easy to deal with hard times. I say this every letter but, thank you for all you do for me. Your my eternal family and I'm thrilled to say that! There is no end after this life so, we need to do all we can while on Earth. I'm doing good, you don't need to worry about me. I know the Lord will bless us more than we can imagine. I hope the farm is doing good. Tell the kids and family hi and I miss them. Hope all is well.


Elder Wood

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hey guys I am finally in freetown. We took an ecowater taxi across the bay it was wild. Ihave some amazing pictures, but they said just get on and tell your family you are safe! we had dinner with the Mission President Squires and his wife! I should be able to email monday. I dont have time to read any emails cuz everyone has to use the computer but Ghana is hot, so hot I'm sweating like crazy you cant believe it. Tell everyone hi and I cant wait to get a letter holy smokes. Talk to you monday!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Dear Family, Well I'm finally here. Gosh I miss you guys. That was so hard leaving you all. Well after I got to New York, me and four other American Elders went and got something to eat, then boarded the plane, There I got my first taste of being a minority. About 15 whites and the whole rest of the plane was blacks. That plane ride was so long! I fell asleep two times for like 30 minutes. So about an hour sleep in 26 hours! We got to the airport in Accra. (which is said like this: uh-craw) Ghana. We found our luggage really easy thanks to mom's puppy dog bandanna's she put on my bags. I've taken a few pics and I will send them with my next letter. Please send it to my address in Sierra Leone cuz I'm only here at the MTC till 2 weeks from Tuesday. Oh actually 2 weeks from Wednesday. You guys don't understand how humid it is here either. I mean I'm completely drenched in sweat all the time. When we first got here we talked to the mission MTC President, President Froerer and his wife. The African companions came much later in the day though. We played basketball for like half an hour but, none are very good, they haven't ever played. Anyway, of course I had to try and dunk the ball on a fast break and caught my thumb on the rim and ripped it open a little. (Send a pic with my next letter) but, don't worry mom, sister Froerer gave me a band aid and neosporin. There are 6 white and 14 black elders. We are all from western U.S. and they are from all over. We have elders from the following places: Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Uganda, S. Africa, and Kenya. My companion is Elder Sarpong. Hi is from Accra, Ghana. He has been a member for two almost three years and he is 25 years old. He's very upbeat and appreciative about every little thing. He said he usually slept on the ground outside at home. He is the only one in his family who is a member and I can tell he cares about me a lot by the way he treats me, he is a very special guy and I think about how much I have that I take for granted at home. It's crazy how happy these people are. They are so excited about the gospel, It's amazing. There are no air conditioners in our room but, a fan is all. I've had a cockroach and a lizard in my room already, haha! But, anyway, the MTC is good, I wanna just get to Sierra Leone cuz I know it will go much faster. I'm not gonna lie, I was extremely homesick for the first two days, I've never spent more time on my knees praying and asking for help. I can tell you the power of the priesthood is real and that I've used it many times already to put Satan behind me. He is working on me very hard getting me to think negatively and worry about home but, I've had the spirit comfort me like you can't believe, letting me know everything is okay and will work out! John 14:27 read it. I think I've read it 20 times already and it's been four days. I have eaten some pretty weird stuff. I took a picture of one of my breakfasts! So, you will get to see it when the time comes. I'm talking in sacrament meeting next week. Please send letters! I feel so isolated from the world. It would be amazing to hear from you all. I'm getting used to the climate a little bit, really using those hanky's. I'm going to the temple Wednesday and this couple from South Jordan are on a mission here with family history and all our names are pretty much done so I told her about Ryan, our cousin and she's probably gonna email you and confirm it and stuff, because I'm going to the temple this Wednesday and the following Friday and I really wanna do his work! Anyway, I wake up at 6-ish, Shower, personal study 7-8, breakfast 8-8:30, some type of meeting 8:30-9:30, then class from 9:30-12:30, 12:30-1:00 is lunch, then companion study 1:00-2:00, then study 2:00-3:00, then exercise from 3:30-4:20, dinner at 5:00, class from 5:45-9:00m then planning till 9:15, snack at 9:30, write in journal and scripture study till 10:30 and lights out! This is the first day we could write letters so don't be mad it took so long. I wear my sandals all the time too so, that was a good idea. But wow, you can't believe the humidity it's a joke. The 1st two days of my mission were probably the two hardest days of my life. Mainly having to leave all you guys and McCall. Miss ya guys like crazy. I feel like I've already overcome the world and it's my 3rd day. Its crazy cuz at home you get so distracted that you take God's love and the Holy Ghost for granted but, now that I'm out here I have no other choice but to rely on him. The poem "Good Timber" has helped me a ton in reminding me, that the person who never had trials and had to fight and never dealt with anything hard, was the person who never became anything. Yes, I'm struggling these first couple days but, when I think about the kind of person this is going to turn me into, I find challenge and joy in the struggle. Things are awesome. I cant wait to get to Sierra Leone and actually teach. I really hope all is well and tell everyone hi for me. You guys have got to come pick me up in 2 years cuz this place will amaze you. I'm learning lots but, still getting into things. I hope I get your letter mom! Make sure it's okay with grandma Beck if we do Ryan's name. I hope I told you everything about the climate and culture that I know of. Ask me anything you are curious about next letter. It's amazing how the gospel is the same no matter if you live in Ghana or good 'ole P-town. My companion loves all my American candy but, I love sharing with him, he's so grateful, and tells me I'm a very patient person because his English is so hard to understand. I know that this will be the hardest two years of my life but, it also will make me the husband and father I want to be and will lay a foundation for my life. Miss you guys like crazy and keep me in your prayers. Tell Grandma and grandpa Wood and Cavanaugh hi and enjoy your air conditioning and dry air! I'm actually getting used to it! Love you all, write back quick, PLEASE! Love your son,