Favorite Scripture

Favorite Scripture
Alma 42:31 And now, O my son, ye are called of God to preach the word unto this people. And now, my son, go thy way, declare the word with truth and soberness, that thou mayest bring souls unto repentance, that the great plan of mercy may have claim upon them. And may God grant unto you even according to my words. Amen.

~Returning with Honor~ Elder Wood is coming home!


Africa's future 'is with the children'


Barbed wire....again!

Preparation Day!

Preparation Day!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Monday October 18, 2010

Dear Family,

Hey how is everyone? It's not even six a.m. yet, I'm writing letters now because I'm not going to have time later today at all, we are going to the beach! I'm excited because normally our P days I just brook clothes and write letters and then maybe play a little football. This P day is with the whole zone. I'll be seeing all the fellow missionaries today. This week was good, no baptisms for us till Oct 30 then 2 or maybe 3. On Wednesday we went back to the young boy I baptized house and taught him and I gave him a CTR ring you sent me. You should have seen the smile on this boy's face. He was so happy to receive it. We helped him put it on and everything. Then yesterday at church he came up to me first thing and shook my hand and I could just see he was trying to show off the ring, haha! It made me happy to see this boy so happy because when met him he just wasn't fully happy and now his entire life has changed because of this gospel, it's so amazing. So, anyway besides that the heat is getting crazy like miserable, I'm dying out here, haha! I wear the 100 SPF on my ears and nose, and I sweat all of the water I drink out of my body every morning as I proselyte. If I can get through this dry season I can get through anything. It's so hot, like sometimes we will be walking and I'll reach down and feel my bag and it's too hot to touch so, I just can imagine what it's doing to my skin. It's brown anyway, my arms don't burn anymore they just get dark. Anyway, I have realized there is a time for everyone with the gospel, you can teach someone and teach someone and teach someone and they will not agree to accept it for anything. Then you drop them or get transferred and something happens in their life, maybe someone dies or something or sometimes things just stop going well for them and all the sudden they are like okay, this really is true, I want to get baptized. Seriously everyone has their time. This week has been good, really, I've had a good one, we are getting very close with the people and I'm thinking I will be here a long, long time but, it's really good. I love these people. I don't want to leave them. There weren't any crazy stories this week, the average things happened but it's just everyday stuff, so it doesn't seem crazy anymore. When you come get me though I'm sure you will have big eyes looking around just like I did but, it will be awesome. I'm so pumped to take you guys around after my mission is complete, I know its way far off but it's at least closer to us now than when I left in April! So, our plans for today is, at 8:15 we are getting picked up by the assistants or the Neves, and heading over to #2 beach on the other side of the city, to play on the beach, it's gonna be fun, I'm excited. Then we'll come back and Ill email you guys, I'm not sure what time. Then I'll come home and wash and we will go out to FHE with a family or someone in one of the 2 branches. Then come home, go to bed, and begin another week. I think P days are my most exciting day? Really though I love every day. There just isn't much change but it's a good thing I love this gospel or this work would be impossible. The Creole is still coming, I'm trying to improve everyday but its small small coming, it just takes time and patience. I sometimes forget that these people have lived here their whole lives and have been speaking it their whole lives; that's why they speak it so well and I've only been here 6 months so, I need to be easier on myself but, I just want to be able to speak it better. Keep hanging in there and thanks for being the examples you are to me and the love you show. I will see you soon! Take care and talk to you on Christmas day!

                Love your son,

                Elder Wood

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