Favorite Scripture

Favorite Scripture
Alma 42:31 And now, O my son, ye are called of God to preach the word unto this people. And now, my son, go thy way, declare the word with truth and soberness, that thou mayest bring souls unto repentance, that the great plan of mercy may have claim upon them. And may God grant unto you even according to my words. Amen.

~Returning with Honor~ Elder Wood is coming home!


Africa's future 'is with the children'


Barbed wire....again!

Preparation Day!

Preparation Day!

Monday, January 3, 2011

January 3, 2010

I can't believe how time is flying.  I can say this might have been the best week I've had so far in kissy. We had an awesome instruction about teaching and asking heaven inspired questions in zone meeting on Wednesday and from that time now I've had some amazing experiences. President Roggia said for us missionaries to be praying for peace in the Ivory Coast and West Africa; I'll be so devastated if something happened and they took me to another mission, I'm not going anywhere I'm staying here two years.  Seriously I love it here it's the most amazing place I can't wait until you come.  My dear and amazing sister Marcouta accepted a baptismal date this week!!! Finally, finally, finally, on January 29th she will enter the waters of baptism. And the saddest part is I won't be there.  I was told I'm leaving kissy last night.  Wednesday morning they will be picking me up. I'm all packed and ready to go. Yes, I'm getting transferred, and of course I'm sad to leave these people but, it's where the Lord wants me to go and it's just the nature of this great missionary work.  I wasn't sure if I would be transferred or not but i got the call and Elder Wood is going to BO!!!! I'm so excited it's exactly where I wanted to go! My Companion is Elder Eyinda. I know him, he's from Ghana.   I have never ever seen Bo. It's in the middle of the country and its bush, like village.  So yeah, I've never been. I can't wait to go there!  I will write and tell you all about it next week!!


    Love your son,

    Elder Wood




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