Favorite Scripture

Favorite Scripture
Alma 42:31 And now, O my son, ye are called of God to preach the word unto this people. And now, my son, go thy way, declare the word with truth and soberness, that thou mayest bring souls unto repentance, that the great plan of mercy may have claim upon them. And may God grant unto you even according to my words. Amen.

~Returning with Honor~ Elder Wood is coming home!


Africa's future 'is with the children'


Barbed wire....again!

Preparation Day!

Preparation Day!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

March 21, 2011

    Hey, guys how was the week? I know it was probably great but before anything mom, happy Birthday today. I know this won't get there for like 3 weeks but I really hope that you got my other letter I sent a long time ago. I'm hoping it's made its way there by now. I want to hear all about it today in your letter how your birthday went. Just think by this time next year you will be making all the preparations to come here and get me, time is crazy! Well, yesterday I saw that God is a God of miracles, he brought one man to church that we had prayed and hoped like crazy would come. He has some serious addiction problems and his wife is coming every Sunday with his daughter but, he hasn't been yet, personally I believe he feels unwanted at church like God doesn't love him, but to my greatest joy and surprise yesterday as I was sitting in church I was tapped on the shoulder by his daughter and as I looked, lo and behold I saw him, I was so happy. There's no way he would have come except by the help of Heavenly Father, God really is watching and knows us all by name. This Saturday we are having a baptism for four individuals. I'm not sure the details but we want to run the generator and show a small film clip, play hymns, and listen to their testimonies; it should be a great baptism. We are also combining with New Barracks branch. Anyway, next Monday I will let you all know how it went.

    There's one family here in our branch I love so much I'm sure I've mentioned them before. They have only been in the church a little over a year but, they are so amazing. I look at them just as my family. Yesterday just as we finished the day we decided to go and say hello to them, right when we got there they pulled us a seat and we sat and talked and then told us they want to feed us some food. I don't know how to describe it but, I just felt like I was at home, like I was simply coming home for Sunday dinner, of course at home it would be roast beef and potatoes and the rest and here its rice. I still felt very happy, I can't tell you the way I've come to appreciate family on my mission, you guys are the biggest blessing I could ever ask for, so long as we all have each other and are all keeping the commandments, heading toward the final goal of exaltation, then there's nothing much I can really ask for more. The gospel is so sweet, it has the power to change anyone's heart no matter how hard, cold, and the rest, the church, the gospel of Jesus Christ is for everyone.

    I just finished the morning schedule. I brooked my cloths and then had personally study and companionship study. I'm still reading the New Testament. I want to finish it and then read the book "Jesus the Christ". I'm reading the New Testament with the student manual as well so this really is taking some time but, I'm enjoying it so much. I'm learning so much that I can apply to my teaching, to my life, and my future. Yesterday I read Ephesians so, I'm making progress. I don't know if I will read the Old Testament yet because I want to do something with the Book of Mormon, like a unique way of studying it so I'll do it first and then tell you how it goes. I'm not sure I told you but, like a week and a half ago I finished the Book of Mormon again. I love that book so much, anytime I open it, I feel peaceful and happy. If I compare the way I feel when I read the New Testament to the Book of Mormon, there's really no comparison. I know with all my heart that the Book of Mormon is true. I've seen it change lives, the biggest one being myself, what other proof does someone need, a book that brings peace, happiness, comfort, truth & light in a world like this; one that changes lives, who can argue that the book isn't true. It's the people who haven't read it. I remember dad always saying how smooth his life goes when he reads, compared to when he doesn't and it's so true. When I have my own family I will do everything in my power to make sure we are holding Book of Mormon study time; a set time every day.

    This is the last week of the transfer, I really love this area now and the people are so great. We started something just two weeks ago, zone desert! So, every two weeks on Sunday all the Elders in the Zone come to our apartment and we take turns cooking different deserts. Last week Elder Bennion and their district made these things called rice cakes, imagine……more rice, for desert. But they have like rice and bananas and maple syrup in them, they are fried, they were really good to tell you the truth. This Sunday, It's our turn to do the cooking. We want to make peanut butter cookies but we haven't been able to find peanut butter to buy so, we don't know. So everyone will come over this Sunday and eat the desert and we will receive the transfer news from the zone leaders. I hope I still stay in Bo, I just barely got here so, I don't want to go anywhere yet. The rains have been falling occasionally, like one time a week but, come June it is daily. It's so nice while its raining but the sun always comes out so, then after the sweat is like 3 times as bad, but I think I like the rainy more than the dry. We got light this week 2 nights……Friday from 12 A.M. to 6:30 A.M and last night the same. The first we have received in over 5 weeks. I was so happy the fan was blowing on me and I slept so good I even felt chilly when I woke up this morning. Hopefully light will be coming more often now but you can never be sure. Tell everyone hello for me. I miss you all, it's been so long but, it's also going to quick. By the way how are my fiends doing…..Skyler, Tanner, Taylor, Jaxon, and the rest? I've written them all, and I care so much about them. Please tell them all I said hello. I love you all, mom and pops, you guys are amazing. HAPPY BDAY mom!



    Elder Wood

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