Favorite Scripture

Favorite Scripture
Alma 42:31 And now, O my son, ye are called of God to preach the word unto this people. And now, my son, go thy way, declare the word with truth and soberness, that thou mayest bring souls unto repentance, that the great plan of mercy may have claim upon them. And may God grant unto you even according to my words. Amen.

~Returning with Honor~ Elder Wood is coming home!


Africa's future 'is with the children'


Barbed wire....again!

Preparation Day!

Preparation Day!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Mom, I am back in Freetown! The week was incredible for us, we spent most of it in Liberia doing leadership trainings for all the leaders in the zones.  You know that as long as I'm at this I still think I will always be a little nervous to talk in front of people but, nonetheless the Lord helped me and it turned out to be a satisfying and edifying experience.  Things have been so busy and great that I have completely forgotten how short the time is for me, and honestly I'm just trying to soak in every moment because it is nearly over.   To respond to your letter last week, yes I will be traveling with Elder Bennion he is one of the ones that we traveled with on the way here and he is from Ferron, Utah.  I am so excited for Karlee's baptism and wouldn't miss it for the world. Thank you for all you've done to support me over these two years. Me being the first child I know that you are wondering if you will ever get to see me again, if really when you send them, they come back?  Well believe it or not I will see you next week! Thanks for being so strong through all this.  Sister Roggia was asking me what food I would want you to prepare for me when I get home and I thought and thought and I honestly don't care, as long as it is home cooked and cooked by you! She was like now your mom can fatten you up,ha ha! So I hope that maybe you will let me know the final details about the trip to the Salt Lake Temple after I get back.  How is everything going to go? It still hasn't even set in at all that I'm going and won't until I board the plane next Tuesday.  It's going to be bitter sweet mom, I don't know how I can leave these people after all I've gone through here and the way I've grown. I'll see you soon. love you! love your son,

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