Favorite Scripture

Favorite Scripture
Alma 42:31 And now, O my son, ye are called of God to preach the word unto this people. And now, my son, go thy way, declare the word with truth and soberness, that thou mayest bring souls unto repentance, that the great plan of mercy may have claim upon them. And may God grant unto you even according to my words. Amen.

~Returning with Honor~ Elder Wood is coming home!


Africa's future 'is with the children'


Barbed wire....again!

Preparation Day!

Preparation Day!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Mom, I still can't believe i'll see you in two days it seems surreal to me too. It's all gone way too fast. Last night I taught likely my last formal lesson as a missionary to a family that I have learned to love so much. I tried to soak it all in but, as usual and, as is always the case, the time just went by way to fast and before I knew it I was saying goodbye. This woman (I'll show you here picture and name on Wednesday) said to tell you all hello and that they love you, even though they haven't met you they love your children. In a way I cannot describe I felt like I was leaving my family all over again. You know how at the airport we all just keep standing around trying to prolong the time of my saying goodbye, yeah that's what happened. We kept talking and shaking hands goodbye but didn't feel like leaving, finally we had to just say goodbye and go, and not look back. I know that great things lie in store for me at home, and so many people to bless and inspire and lift are waiting. My mission is nearly over but it has been life changing to say the least, it is a bitter sweet feeling. I know that you are waiting for your big bear hug and you will get it, along with however many other ones you want! The plans for that day sound great to me. I am just happy to be with my wonderful family! Well mom I cannot wait to baptize my little sister. we are preparing some individuals for baptism on the 21st and everytime we talk about it I get sad know I wont be there but, then I remember that yes I will be at the greatest baptism, that of my little sisters, which I have been longing and waiting to do for so long. It's going to be a busy and crazy day today, but we will be having our farewell dinner up at the mission home tonight! love you! see you soon! love your son, Elder Wood

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Mom, I am back in Freetown! The week was incredible for us, we spent most of it in Liberia doing leadership trainings for all the leaders in the zones.  You know that as long as I'm at this I still think I will always be a little nervous to talk in front of people but, nonetheless the Lord helped me and it turned out to be a satisfying and edifying experience.  Things have been so busy and great that I have completely forgotten how short the time is for me, and honestly I'm just trying to soak in every moment because it is nearly over.   To respond to your letter last week, yes I will be traveling with Elder Bennion he is one of the ones that we traveled with on the way here and he is from Ferron, Utah.  I am so excited for Karlee's baptism and wouldn't miss it for the world. Thank you for all you've done to support me over these two years. Me being the first child I know that you are wondering if you will ever get to see me again, if really when you send them, they come back?  Well believe it or not I will see you next week! Thanks for being so strong through all this.  Sister Roggia was asking me what food I would want you to prepare for me when I get home and I thought and thought and I honestly don't care, as long as it is home cooked and cooked by you! She was like now your mom can fatten you up,ha ha! So I hope that maybe you will let me know the final details about the trip to the Salt Lake Temple after I get back.  How is everything going to go? It still hasn't even set in at all that I'm going and won't until I board the plane next Tuesday.  It's going to be bitter sweet mom, I don't know how I can leave these people after all I've gone through here and the way I've grown. I'll see you soon. love you! love your son,

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Mom, I just wanted to share an experience from the week! There's something that probably every single missionary in the history of the church has dreamed of and that is teaching and baptizing a big family. I have not had the opportunity to teach a family as of yet, at least not entirely. So, since the transfer began a couple weeks ago I have been praying that the Lord would guide us to a family to teach; I have another testimony that the Lord answers prayers. We recieved a referral from the elders in Wellington about a young woman that had joined in a lesson. So this last Monday we had the impression from the Holy Ghost; we know now to go and contact her. We don't teach single sisters without another male present so in going there we really hadn't planned on sitting down because we didn't know if there would be another person there to join us in the lesson who is a male. Upon arriving at the house we met an older gentlemen reading his bible, the young woman that we had gone there for was smiling and waving at us, she brought two chairs out and it's as if my companion and I both knew that it was for this man that we came, we started asking about his family and his religious background and the rest and come to find out this is a family. A mother and father with 3 children all over 20 years old they loved the message that we shared about the restoration, we gave them the Book Of Mormon and invited them to read and pray. They have already been doing so, and also the mom and dad visited us yesterday at church. -answered prayers- Although I do not know if they will be ready to baptize before I leave, I still know that the Lord has answered my prayers and is aware and hears each and every plea we offer up to him. I love you all. Love your son, Elder Wood

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Mom, It's been a crazy/incredible/amazing weekend, we just got back from Bo today and there isn't much time but I gotta tell you, it was the most amazing weekend you could imagine. When the bus pulled up with all the brethren in it, we were setting up to take a picture of the missionaries, they went inside to wait till the sisters came. Well then we had to ask Elder Randall a question and he was inside the office, so me and Elder Priddis, walked up to the office door and opened it up to meet Elder Holland for the first time of my life. He sat down and made a comment about how hot it was for the missionaries outside, then he saw us and said, come shake hands elders. My heart was full speed at that point, me and my companion both just stood there not knowing what to do finally I went first and shook his hand. He stood up and put his arms around the two of us and said, "Where's home for you elders?" We told him and he made a comments about us being the Rams ha ha. Later he said that his team beat us for the championship back when he was in High School. I never did asked what high school he went to, but anyway he thanked us for everything and then in a daze we hurried back outside. We got to hear him speak to us for about 35 minutes and it was incredible!! There's so much more I want to tell you but there is literally no time. I will tell you all I promise. Everything that has gone into this was worht it, the planning, the time and effort, everything was worth it. Elder Holland is incredible, as is his wife Sister Holland. They make you feel like their very best friend even though it's the very first time you've ever met them. When he was about to say amen during the missionary conference and at the general session, my heart longed for him to stay, I dont know if I will ever get to see him again in my life at least up close like that, and it really made me sad, but it was one of the very best days of my life! Amazing. Talk to you next
week! love your son, Elder Wood

Monday, January 30, 2012

Mom, We had another incredible week here in Freetown, Sierra Leone. We are dead in the middle of dry season, its hotter than you can imagine at times, lots and lots of dust, but I couldn't be happier to be here! This week we have spent a lot of time in our area teaching our investigators, and we've had so many spiritual experiences and seen so many miracles, like I have said beofre that once you start looking for the hand of the Lord, and you look with spiritual eyes, you will see that it is everywhere and in everything. Just yesterday one of our baptismal candidates was supposed to be interviewed after church, well she never even came, or so we thought. I was feeling down a bit thinking we might have to set a new baptismal date, then we just felt prompted to go and ask the zone leaders to do the other interview since they were just waiting around for us, well we went out, they got seated and we sat waiting. Well we just happened to glance out the gate at the right time (there is no coincidence, it was the hand of the Lord) to see our dear sister walking by, come to find out she had attended an earlier branch because she had some things to take care of at home. We were able to then get her interviewed and she is set for Saturday. Just one simple example of the miracles that we are seeing each and every day, its incredible how much the Lord cares for us and is mindful of each and every one of his children. Yesterday Elder Priddis and I got to go with President and Siter Roggia to Lumely, because they were calling a new branch presidency. I don't know if you remember but, that was my very first branch. As I sat down, I looked up and saw one of my converts sitting behind the sacrament table in priesthood attire preparing to bless the sacrament. Oh, I wish you could just feel what joy that was, all the memories of teaching him and helping him receive the gospel flashed back to my mind and it's just hard to put into words the true peace and satisfaction that I felt. After the service I met two more converts who were still strong and active in the church, and the same feeling came over me. When you have that kind of experience it just makes you hungry for more, it makes you want to help every single person that you see because you know in the long run its going to be more worth it than any other thing you could do with your time. I'm already excited and anxious for my mission with my wife, and this time I might even get to choose where I go! you know I wouldn't choose any other place than right here! there is nothing greater than this, when I have these kind of experiences, at the very peak of the experience, I always say to myself, yup this is it, this is what it's all about, if I can feel this way for the rest of my existence, I will give up any and everything to do so. Nothing is harder, nothing is sweeter, nothing compares. its been another terrific week, can't wait to see what this week holds in store for us! love you all, talk to you next week. love, Elder Wood