Favorite Scripture

Favorite Scripture
Alma 42:31 And now, O my son, ye are called of God to preach the word unto this people. And now, my son, go thy way, declare the word with truth and soberness, that thou mayest bring souls unto repentance, that the great plan of mercy may have claim upon them. And may God grant unto you even according to my words. Amen.

~Returning with Honor~ Elder Wood is coming home!


Africa's future 'is with the children'


Barbed wire....again!

Preparation Day!

Preparation Day!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Mom, Wow, it was good to talk to you all.  Like you said when we said goodbye it wasn't like the previous calls where it was hard to hang up, I know that the time is short now and its all about just finishing strong like dad said.  President always says something.. if the whole dinner is delicious but the desert is terrible, that is the only thing that you will ever remember.  I could have come this far and had a wonderful experience but its now the last inning or the 4th quarter and i have to finish strong or i'll regret it for the rest of my life! I think we all have to finish strong like that.     I forgot to tell you how cute Karlee was yesterday I said what time did you get up and she said 5.  I said wow thats so early, she said I know i was so tired I couldn't even see! hahaha she is the most precious little thing.  we are baptizing a little 9 year old girl this saturday who every time i look at her I see Karlee and it melts my heart, I can't wait to baptize that little girl.   So i just wanna share something that happened here not too long ago that really touched me.  . . so this woman came to the door and no one knew who she was and she was asking for her child, she was giving us his name but no one knew.  She said he went on mission and its been 2 years.  Im telling you this woman wanted to see her child.  As we talked with her she wanted us to find out where he would be living when he got home, whether with her or with his sister.  I knew deep down in her heart she wanted him to be staying with her.  Well, we told her we would email his mission and find out.  She just had that look in her eye and you could see the love she had for her son.  After she walked out we were all talking and just came to the conclusion that no matter what country, what dialect, what culture or race, mommas just love their boys!  Well we got the chance and opportunity to take this missionary to that mother when he got home and it was neat.  She was clapping and dancing and praising Heavenly Father, she kept saying thank you, thank you! I do believe at that very moment in time she was the happiest woman in the entire world. So what i learned is from this is how much you do love us kids, I don't think we really understand. and if you love us that much, how much does our father in heaven love us?  I think we often underestimate how much love He has for each and every one of His children, but i know that He loves each and every one of us Perfectly and completely, as Dieter F. Uchtdorf said in his talk, The Love Of God. I love you mom! E
lder wood

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Family, Let me just tell you the most amazing thing in the world.  When we were going to Bo a few weeks ago we were talking to president Roggia about meeting the apostles and how it is and stuff and he asked me if i could meet any of them who would I choose.  I said that Elder Jeffrey R. Holland for sure.  He said well Elder if you stay faithful and obedient I promise you that you will one day meet him.  Righteous desires are given to us by faith and also with our prayers.  Well, on friday President Roggia called and said I have been thinking about what you have been saying about having faith that Elder Holland will come ( we had previously been making a joke about where we would possibly house him if he came and how there is a very slim chance that he would actually be able to come, it is pretty primitive here).  Well, he said elder I want you and Elder Priddis to call the zones and tell them to prepare to receive Elder Holland into this mission for a visit in February!!!!!!!!!!!  I couldn't even sleep that night just tossing and turning.  Elder Holland is coming to Sierra Leone and also Elder Snow and his wife.  I can't think of anyone in the world apart from the prophet himself, I would rather meet and even just shake his hand!!  Oh, I am so happy and excited. How cool is that though?   I got my drivers license this week and have been driving it's pretty crazy but a lot of fun and pretty much I am loving my mission more than I ever thought you could love something.  Having the time of my life and trying each day to become more like my savior Jesus Christ. What could be better! have a great week, I love you all so much, thank you for the package and the support I miss you all! love your son, Elder Wood
Mom,   This was a wonderful week for us though.  We had a baptism Saturday for two wonderful children and also we split the branches and create a new Belliar park branch! the work is really going forward and will continue to do so until it has reached to everyone.   Well yesterday we were going up the mountain, all our area is on 2 huge mountains so its all climbing haha anyway i learned a huge lesson.  A drunk man that we had contacted earlier came up and gave us all kind of reasons why he couldn't be at church.  Then he said his muslim brother was sick at the hospital, so we should go and pray on him.  We had an appointment but the thought came to both of us, who are we to deny someone of the blessings of this gospel and priesthood.  we went and gave him a priesthood blessing and told him according to his faith in Jesus Christ he would be healed.  well the same drunk man said well why don't you just pray on them all, we tried to explain that we don't solicit like that and because they have to ask us, so, it shows their faith.  Anyway it's what he said after that, that has been in my mind the whole day.  He said listen, when someone is sick, even if you take garbage, or sand, and you give them to eat and tell them that it will make them better they will do it because they want to be healed.  I got thinking and i realized that is how we humans are, when we are in trials and tribulation, sickness and grief and pain, we need Heavenly Father.  President Roggia always says people find God in basic training and in prison.  But people find money and they all the sudden don't have time.  The scripture came to me that he who is compelled to be humble is blessed but he who humbles himself has the reward.  I boxed up the scripture but you know which one i'm talking about.  So it has just been a reminder to me that even when things are going great for us we need to remember Heavenly Father, lets not be compelled to be humble but rather humble ourselves and always remember Him who has given us everything. I love you all so much and can't wait to hear from you next week! love your son, Elder Wood