Favorite Scripture

Favorite Scripture
Alma 42:31 And now, O my son, ye are called of God to preach the word unto this people. And now, my son, go thy way, declare the word with truth and soberness, that thou mayest bring souls unto repentance, that the great plan of mercy may have claim upon them. And may God grant unto you even according to my words. Amen.

~Returning with Honor~ Elder Wood is coming home!


Africa's future 'is with the children'


Barbed wire....again!

Preparation Day!

Preparation Day!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Mom and Dad, How are you guys? I hope my last letter got to you. I promise I will do everything in my power to write you some kind of letter every Monday, I know its nice for both of us to get letters. I didn't get any mail yet this week so. I don't have any questions of yours to answer so, I'll just tell you some things. My P-day's are nice but, so packed. This morning my companion and I woke up at 5 a.m., we went in and worked out for an hour, then I brooked clothes for a while, then I came in and wrote a some letters, and then we had companionship and personally study. I will have to clean the bathroom still today and then I will come email you. I'm very excited. Sierra Leone is crazy, nothing resembles or reminds me of home other than the constant rap music playing everywhere. In the mornings you fight for transportation, you literally run around the other side of taxi's and box people out to get transportation. We've had some very upset people once because this guy we know saved a car for us and these girls were MAD! I couldn't understand much of what they were saying but, I heard them say "whiteman" is all. Anyway, the people are very kind and the members of my branch treat me with love and kindness. Some of the hills we hike everyday are crazy, I feel like I do when I'm hunting with you pops. We eat rice in the morning, we don't really take lunch, sometimes we will get bread or I'll take some jerky or something, then at night we buy chicken and mango's or pineapple, and really besides that I don't eat much else. I've had potato leaf stew with rice and cassava leaf stew with rice. I love the cassava leaf stew. When we walk, if we get thirsty you stop and by a bag of water called a sachet and drink it quick. We live off $3.75 USD a day so, you have to be smart. We also use that to buy soap for washing and to pay someone to take the garbage out and things. I met a man from Utah the other day who was here on business. It was so crazy to see him, it felt weird because there are no such things as Americans here. Please keep sending dearelder letters they get here very fast and it really helps get me through the week. When I tell people we have a farm our size they cant believe it and they are totally amazed. Wow, I'm so proud of it though. We don't waste a second of any day and it's helping to learn to work even harder, It's incredible what you can get done in a day. I'm gonna help so much when I get home from my mission. I realize now how easily I could have helped out so much more! One of my favorite scriptures is 1 Corinthians 13:11. It talks about becoming a man. I love that scripture so much. This is how you say it in krio: "Da tem we mi na nin pikin (child), na pikin tok bin de na mi mot, a bin de ondastand leke aw pikin de ondastand, a bin de tink leke aw pikin de tink; but naw we a don big a don don wit pikin biznes." Pretty wild, huh? haha. Its actually not as hard of a language as it sounds. It's like English turned upside down. I know this is clear in the future and yeah but, are you guys wanting to come pick me up? If its possible it would be amazing, you will die when you see this place. It'll be a once in a lifetime opportunity so, if you could it would be so cool! Plus you would have to get shots and stuff so, it's just something I'm wondering. This church is amazing, the spirit truly is a gift and I'm learning to recognize it more and more. I've promised myself that when I go home and get a calling in the church, I will do everything in my power to magnify it. In so little time we can do so much to help out our leaders. I can see how nice it would make our jobs if just one or two people were dependable. One thing this mission has done for me is put everything into the eternal perspective. When you are living a great life doing what the Lord wants, then its so exciting to learn about the 2nd coming and things. I'm so excited I cant tell you how exciting it is to learn about eternity and all these doctrinal things. I love discussing about these things. Three years ago if you would have told me I'd be in Sierra Leone, sweating my guts out, preaching the gospel to everyone I see, I would tell you, you were crazy. But, its odd now, you can actually find peace in the struggle, If you put things on that eternal perspective you can easily with God's help get through anything. I love the church hymns, I love conference, church magazines, the Book of Mormon, and every little thing about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I appreciate you guys so much and I'm so happy you are my family. This morning we were talking about if we got to choose our family in the pre-earth life and we were given agency. So, honestly for me I think that we chose the family we were placed in, I know I chose you guys and even though I don't remember it, I'm sure there was a reason why I chose you guys and now I'm starting to see it more and more at how good my decision was. How lucky I feel that I get you for all time and eternity as long as I keep my covenants and endure to the end. I now see why you did some of the things you did and said some of the things you said, some things I said to myself, "I'll never do that to my kids!" But now I honestly can say that I want to be the parents you were to me. I know I'm gonna be doing many of the same things you did for me. Thanks for always supporting me no matter what I did and pushing me to want to be great. It made the transition to missionary work so much easier for me than a lot of lads. I hope one day you will serve a mission together. The couple missionaries out here have so much fun and love each other so much. They love us, they don't say it but, I can just feel it. As long as you stay strong in the church and close to the Lord, everything else will work out and if you have an eternal perspective, it's so easy to deal with hard times. I say this every letter but, thank you for all you do for me. Your my eternal family and I'm thrilled to say that! There is no end after this life so, we need to do all we can while on Earth. I'm doing good, you don't need to worry about me. I know the Lord will bless us more than we can imagine. I hope the farm is doing good. Tell the kids and family hi and I miss them. Hope all is well.


Elder Wood

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hey guys I am finally in freetown. We took an ecowater taxi across the bay it was wild. Ihave some amazing pictures, but they said just get on and tell your family you are safe! we had dinner with the Mission President Squires and his wife! I should be able to email monday. I dont have time to read any emails cuz everyone has to use the computer but Ghana is hot, so hot I'm sweating like crazy you cant believe it. Tell everyone hi and I cant wait to get a letter holy smokes. Talk to you monday!