Favorite Scripture

Favorite Scripture
Alma 42:31 And now, O my son, ye are called of God to preach the word unto this people. And now, my son, go thy way, declare the word with truth and soberness, that thou mayest bring souls unto repentance, that the great plan of mercy may have claim upon them. And may God grant unto you even according to my words. Amen.

~Returning with Honor~ Elder Wood is coming home!


Africa's future 'is with the children'


Barbed wire....again!

Preparation Day!

Preparation Day!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

Dear Family, Sounds like it was a great week. This week was so busy but, it was amazing. I got to see some of my recent coverts in Bo! Last week I was still kind of shocked and my head was spinning so, I didn't say anything about being the new assistant, sorry. It's been so cool being around president Roggia so much. If he's here in Freetown then we are doing all kind of stuff to help him with the work, if he's in Liberia or traveling then we are teaching and baptizing like normal. We are so busy, the time is flying even faster than I ever thought it possibly could. Let me just share some fun things that have happened this past week, I only have a little time left because we carved pumpkins and it's late now. Well monday the old missionaries that were going, 2 of which were my former companions while we were in Kissy, had a dinner at the mission home so we took them all up to Lester Peak like the highest mountain in around to look at the whole city, how amazing to look at it and think that very soon it will all be memories and lessons learned. Sister Roggia made lasagna and chocolate chip cookie bars or something, yeah I'll probably start putting on weight now, hahah. Tuesday was jam packed. Me and elder Priddis went with president and took the ferry across the sea to drop off the outgoing elders at the airport and to pick up the new ones. There were like 7 Americans and 1 Nigerian all straight from the MTC. Right when I started to talk to one of them, one from St. George he said, "dude, you sound like an African," hahah!! We got back and took them to the mission home and had another delicious dinner by sister Roggia and it was also presidents birthday so sis Patterson made cherry cheesecake. We brought them to our place afterwards and spent the night here. Wednesday we did an orientation for them and then did all the transfers here in Freetown. That took the entire day but it is so fun getting to know all the new elders that are just coming here to serve. Me and Elder Priddis with president went to the airport to pickup Elder Dickson, the temple president and his wife of Ghana accra temple, and another man that is from England who works for the church. Well we picked them up and then got back on the ferry. It's a huge ferry like you drive your car onto it and then go sit up on top, well we were sitting there till like 6:00 when they announced the plane is late so we will wait till 7:00 because, if we don't wait then those people will have no way to reach Freetown until the next day so we waited and waited and finally the whole ferry just shook. We went out on the deck to see that the other ferry had ran into us, haha! Anyway, it didn't do any damage or anything it was just kind of crazy. We waited till dark like 7:30 and still haven't left. The tide started getting high and everything, we had to drive up higher on the ramp to let the the cars drive on. Well finally we left, the whole way over we got to talk to the temple president and his wife about their assignment and their families and all kinds of neat stuff. The work is so sweet. we are so busy right now I can't even tell you how awesome it is though. Friday we traveled to Bo with all the new elders and then to Kenema and did all the transfers there. Saturday we had district conference in Bo and also Sunday we had the same. We got back last night around 6:00 and had to collect all the numbers from the different zones. Nothing is greater than being around and learning from president so much now. Any time I get a free chance i'm trying to learn from him and asking him questions and the rest. When I find time to write in my journal I have so many things I can write, we got to be around Elder Dickson most of the weekend and he is one of the neatest guys. He said that the accident of him losing his arm was one of the biggest blessings that has ever come to him, because you learn lessons from, "doing the hard stuff". It was an amazing week and this next week is going to be busy and exciting too. We are going to be in Bo again this next weekend so I might get to see some familiar faces and also of course see the elders that are there. I'm learning a ton I am just seeing more and more that you have to know how to prioritize, put the most important and eternal things first and the rest will fall into place. I asked president how he does it, balancing everything, and he said you have to remember the serenity prayer. Basically remember that you can't change everything, but that Heavenly Father will give you the strength to change the things you can, that he will help you to leave the things you can't and that he will grant you the wisdom to know the difference. It's going so good, the mission had over 200 baptisms in this month of October. Imagine what the possibilities are. I will let you know more next week! Sounds like the family is doing great, cute little Karlee and her princess outfit! I can't wait to get home and baptize her. Thank you so much for everything you do. I can't imagine the things I am going to learn and the ways I will grow. I'm writing them all down don't worry! I love you all have a great week! love your son, Elder Wood